【1107期】 9月19日计量经济学学术讲座:Nonparametric Estimation of Continuous Treatment Effect with Measurement Error (张政,长聘副教授,中国人民大学)


【主题】Nonparametric Estimation of Continuous Treatment Effect with Measurement Error


【时间】2022919日  周一上午  9:00-10:30

【地点】腾讯会议链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/KtNhGNS3brwD , 会议ID613686758,密码:497509


【摘要】We identify the average dose-response function (ADRF) for a continuously valued error contaminated treatment by a weighted conditional expectation. We then estimate the weights nonparametrically by maximising a local generalised empirical likelihood subject to an expanding set of conditional moment equations incorporated into the deconvolution kernels. Thereafter, we construct a deconvolution kernel estimator of ADRF. We derive the asymptotic bias and variance of our ADRF estimator and provide its asymptotic linear expansion, which helps conduct statistical inference. To select our smoothing parameters, we adopt the simulation-extrapolation method and propose a new extrapolation procedure to stabilise the computation. Monte Carlo simulations and a real data study illustrate our method’s practical performance.

报告人简介】张政,2011年于东南大学数学系获学士学位,2015年于香港中文大学统计系获博士学位,20169月加入中国人民大学统计与大数据研究院担任“长聘轨”助理教授(tenure-track)20228月晋升为长聘副教授 (tenured)。研究领域涉及数理统计、计量经济学、随机分析,具体方向包括因果推断、缺失数据、污染数据、大样本理论、半参数模型的有效估计、非参数统计推断、随机微分方程、Malliavin随机分析等。
